This CD might properly be termed “epic.” Three discs. Four hours of Jello Biafra’s political rants. If JB was a left-wing Energizer bunny, this would be his CD. He just keeps going and going and going. No doubt it is an acquired taste, but one that’s worthwhile if you’re up for it. Jello tee’s off on both political parties, corporations, junk mail, Wall Street, the healthcare system, the war, the Katrina cleanup… Hell, over four hours you can bash just about anything and everything and I think he manages just that. I wouldn’t blame you if you rolled your eyes on this one, but the fact is most of the time Jello Biafra is dead on right. He tells it like it is and spares no one. Nothin’ wrong with a little honesty every now and then. So take yer medicine.
(Alternative Tentacles Records, PO Box 419092, San Francisco, CA 94141)