This is some really cerebrally tasty proof that Jello is still all up in your authoritative face and letting you know what’s up. This here EP is obviously about the Occupy Wall Street movement, and as you are correct to assume, Mr. Biafra is a supporter — but before you roll your eyes and think, Oh man. Here’s a whiny pile of stool about “the victims” and “the corporate blah blah money and greed”… Nope. He’s not just blindly backing the folks, y’all. Biafra knows damn well that the whole movement is a rag-tag group of random groups with no structure and a loose but obvious idea as their platform.
He ain’t no dummy. He sees what’s up and says so in the lyrics of the title track: “We can’t be here all the time/’Cause the change we want/Will take a long time.” It’s good to hear. Then Biafra goes up against Obama and his lack of back in the tune “Barrackstar O’Bummer.” Then there’s the song “We Occupy,” a tune with Canadian legends DOA.
Solid, mid-paced, old DK-style punk with a smart message — all from the soon-to-be-released LP White People and the Damage Done.
(Alternative Tentacles, PO Box 419092, San Francisco, CA 94141)