HUMANIFESTO – The Infamous

reviewed by Beth Harper | Monday, October 4th, 2010

Opening with the obligatory power chord hold-outs that are the mark of most classic punk hardcore albums of late, Humanifesto’s newest release The Infamous sets out to be just that — a classic punk hardcore album; albeit the same classic punk hardcore album we’ve all heard time and time again.  While setting the bar with a high-energy introduction on “Oh! Meat is Fun!” and following it well with a remarkable transition into the Strike Anywhere-esque “Minute of Ash,” the Montreal quartet lost this listener with the clichéd angry punk ballad “Oh Faint Muse” (hello, double bass pedal!) featuring some very unfortunate vocal styling.

While Humanifesto presents a very well-recorded, politically-charged, mosh-pit friendly album, it leaves the listener feeling starved for something new.  The guitar riffs are the same riffs we’ve heard a million times; the anger is the same anger we’ve heard since the Reagan years; the beats are the same beats that come from little Jimmy’s garage down the street.  In a genre that thrives on inspiring political and social change, it’s time to take the message to heart.  Listeners are inspired to promote change by witnessing innovation — not by hearing the same tired old riffs we hear at Warped Tour year after year after year. Let’s go, rise against!

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