CD / Music / Vinyl

HOTCHACHA – The World’s Hardest Working Telescope and the Violent Birth of Stars

reviewed by Ryan Brosmer | Friday, December 18th, 2009

The World’s Hardest Working Telescope and the Violent Birth of StarsThink of Joy Division then replace Ian Curtis with a female vocalist and you’ve basically got HotChaCha. Mostly simple guitar riffs over rambling drums and occasional keys with droning vocals blending into all of it. Except that HotChaCha doesn’t feel like they’re worth anything. It’s like a tribute to what Joy Division was doing, and that’s all right. They don’t do it poorly, but it’s really nothing new.

There’s very little variety on The World’s Hardest Working Telescope… and that makes it hard to want to keep listening, much less go back and listen again. It made me want to go listen to Joy Division. I appreciate the nostalgia, but other than that this album isn’t worth much.

(Exit Stencil Recordings 16101 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110)

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