HOT HOT HEAT – Knock Knock Knock

reviewed by Kris Sevillena | Thursday, August 15th, 2002

Knock Knock KnockOriginally published in Verbicide issue #6

There seems to be this interesting trend in music that I’m noticing: singers insist upon forcing an incredibly annoying voice. The first thing you’ll notice when you listen to this album are the vocals, and the first thing you’ll want to do is punch the singer in the face. The vocals sound like a melodramatic whine by a singer who seems to be breathing through his mouth because he has a really terrible cold and is, at the same time, holding in his bladder and tightening up his sphincter, backing up his bowels.

The proverbial annoying voice may work in other bands, i.e., The White Stripes, but certainly not for Hot Hot Heat, which is too bad because the music itself is tight, especially with the last track, “More for Show” with guitar playing reminiscent of The Smiths’ Johnny Marr. I’m very disappointed because the musical composition is melodious and well constructed, and the vocals completely distract the listener from it. But hey, if the proverbial annoying voice is your thing, this album just may be right up your alley.

(Sub Pop Records, 2514 4th Ave., Seattle, WA 98121)

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