HEY MARSEILLES – To Travels and Trunks

reviewed by Andrew Good | Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

It’s tempting to imagine Europe as a continent-sized museum, endlessly baroque and romantic. Every alley harbors a world-weary gypsy violinist, old before his time, and every obscure café attracts a gaggle of artists puffing cigarettes, willfully chasing cancer, if not their lost muses.

Of course, the fantasy and the reality may clash (see: Greece), but it’s the former that’s channeled on Hey Marseilles’ debut, To Travels and Trunks. Their name seems to be a call to adventure — though the journey is as much about falling in love as wandering without being lost. And indeed, their lush chamber-pop does inspire optimism, with the band’s seven members mixing orchestral vibes with traditional indie-rock. Accordions, mandolins and trumpets are heard alongside guitars and propulsive drums, recalling the eclectic, multi-instrumental act Beirut. Both bands would serve on an excellent double-bill touring the streets of Paris.

Matt Bishop provides a voice for the band that’s plaintive but not whiny, with lyrics that continue that soaring, sad-but-happy feeling (or vice versa) that’s so prevalent on this record: “Why can’t you see, heaven won’t wait for us?…All I want is love eternally/with your heart facing me,” he says on the title track, while on “Rio,” he sings “Borders can’t keep me/if Rio will have me to dance/and to drown.” It’s hard not to get that wide-eyed, determined look you see on people who choose to live out of their backpack for a year.

Handclaps, folksy acoustic numbers and nimble piano instrumentals round out To Travels and Trunks. If you’re a Decemberists fan looking for something less operatic, Hey Marseilles would be a good pick. Even if you’re not, it’s the perfect soundtrack to your summer’s emotional journeys.

(Onto Entertainment, no address provided)

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