CD / Music

HEAVENS – Patent Pending

reviewed by Kyle Iverson | Thursday, December 21st, 2006

heavens-patent_pendingFirst of all, let me lay some stuff on the table here. I hate when counter-pirating procedures mess with my hearing an album, especially if I buy the album. So upon placing this into my computer and finding there were 99 tracks, each about 20 seconds long, I became quite peeved. It’s not the biggest deal in the world, but it still pisses me off. Secondly, I think Matt Skiba is just about amazing. His solo project, Alkaline Trio, and Tuesday are all absolutely amazing. Once I found out he was in another band, Heavens, I just about wet myself. Which leads me to Heavens, the new Matt Skiba project. It sounds quite different than any of his other bands. Obviously, the lyrics are still as morbid and dark as can be, but the pace has been slowed. And the sound is more electronic, with electronic sounding drums and vocals and guitars that sound close to synths. Its almost like the Death Cab is to The Postal Service, as Alkaline Trio is to Heavens. Yeah, that’s a sick analogy.

(Epitaph Records, 2798 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026)

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