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Top 10 Most “Abandoned” Books That People Quit Reading Before They Reach the End

Thursday, July 10th, 2014
Marilyn Monroe reading James Joyce's "Ulysses"

Marilyn Monroe found time to read “Ulysses” — why haven’t you?

Goodreads has published a very interesting infographic showing which books people are most likely to give up reading partway through. Contemporary books listed include Fifty Shades of Grey and Eat, Pray, Love, and five of the classics most people abandon are, unsurprisingly, Moby Dick and Atlas Shrugged. The infographic goes onto explore other factors such as what makes people abandon books, what causes them to continue reading, and how far into a book they are when they decide they no longer wish to read it.

Interestingly, most people quit reading books after reading fewer than 100 pages. Personally the books I’ve abandoned are often much closer to the end (including On the Road, which I bailed on about 20 pages to the end).

Take a look below at the most abandoned books (click the infographic to see it in full size), and let us know which books you’ve quit reading before finishing.

Abandoned books

(via Goodreads)

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