FACE TO FACE – Laugh Now, Laugh Later

reviewed by Matt Edmund | Monday, July 11th, 2011

Nine years after their last studio album, Face to Face are out to prove that they haven’t lost their touch with their newest effort Laugh Now, Laugh Later. The SoCal punk mainstay spent most of the first decade of the new millennium on hiatus, and additionally lost their longtime guitarist, Chad Yaro. With Laugh Now, Laugh Later, Yaro returns to give his vocals and guitar work, making Face to Face a quartet.

The 11 tracks here feature Face to Face’s signature sound, especially Trevor Keith’s vocals and style of songwriting. The opening track, “Should Anything Go Wrong,” packs a powerful punch. With its fast tempo and impassioned vocals, it really draws you in. “Bombs Away” is a scathing commentary and call to action on the political landscape in America and the wars we’re fighting abroad. While most of the songs on this album deal with personal relationship mishaps and heartbreaks — like “Pushover” and “What You Came For” — the album doesn’t come across whiny or “emo,” thanks to the driving guitars, backed by a strong back beat and Keith’s strong yet melodic vocals. Those saddened by the four-year hiatus should enjoy this comeback album, as it’s jam packed with the trademark Face to Face sound.

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(Antagonist Records, no address provided)

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