Emerson College to Rename Its Communications School the “Ron Burgundy School of Communications” for a Day – Will Ferrell to “Teach” a Class

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy

On December 4, 2013, Emerson College will rename its communications school the “Ron Burgundy School of Communications” to honor the newscaster character played by actor Will Ferrell, who will visit campus in character to promote Anchorman: The Legend Continues. Burgundy “will share his path to journalism greatness with students during a day-long visit,” announced Emerson in a press release. (via Boston Magazine)

The one-day renaming of the communications school is not the first major honor bestowed upon Ferrell’s character — Ben & Jerry’s recently named a new ice cream flavor after Ron Burgundy called “Scotchy Scotch Scotch.” Check out the ice cream, watch the preview, and then see these 10 real-life Ron Burgundy moments.

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