DROP ELECTRIC – Sampler Platter

reviewed by Chris Martin | Friday, August 31st, 2012

Drop Electric Sampler PlatterSampler Platter is the latest musical offering from the New York/Washington, DC band Drop Electric. The four-track EP packs a hell of a lot of sound into a small package. The group maximizes their sonic abilities by jamming spaced-out melodies, booming rhythms, and the right amount of distortion on each and every song. The utilization of Kristina Reznikov’s haunting voice as not only vocals but a major part of their overall sound is marvelous, as it adds to the auditory aesthetics of the EP. With each song the listener is taken on a ride through Drop Electric’s world as their soundscape careens through relaxing lows and anxiety-inducing highs.

What makes the EP work is how well the four tracks play together. This is not to say the songs do not work individually, because “Empire Trashed” and “Santo Domingo” demonstrate their abilities to manufacture a good song — but when listening to them as a whole without interruption is where the EP makes its greatest impact. As good as Sample Platter is, it is not going to change the world — but it will make it a bit more enjoyable for the 20 minutes or so it is playing.

(Pusher Music, no address provided)

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