DEPENDENCY – Convicted

reviewed by Paul J. Comeau | Monday, August 16th, 2010

The musicianship of this Tennessee band and the recording quality of this release are both superb, so it’s disappointing that this band sounds like a less-interesting Modern Life is War.  Only two tracks on this digital EP are interesting enough to stand out from the rest: the slow instrumental interlude “Forgiven” and the brutal “Vultures, Scavengers,” which has an epic breakdown and sing-along, before transitioning into the disappointing closer “Decay.”  The screechy distortion on “Decay” made the song almost painful to listen to at any volume high enough to distinguish vocals or instruments from behind the wall of screeching. Collectors wanting the entire Blood & Ink label catalog should pick this up to have a copy, but others would be better off looking elsewhere.

(Blood & Ink Records, PO Box 27265, Richmond, VA 23261)

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