CD / Music

DEAD TO ME – Cuban Ballerina

reviewed by Kyle Iverson | Thursday, December 21st, 2006

deadtomecubanballerina-coverIf there is one thing in the world I love, it is hearing an awesome new band before anyone else — then proceeding to lord it over them for a long time thereafter. Dead To Me is one of those bands that I am going to lord over everyone. I’ll be like, “hey, have you guys ever heard of Dead To Me?” and they’ll be like, “no,” and I’ll be like, “that’s right, you haven’t, losers!” then they will be all sad and stuff. DTM’s sound is unique and distinct, almost dated. Like I should have heard this album years ago, and just discovered it now. And I have always had a soft spot for bands with two singers, which I think is why I like The Lawrence Arms so much. DTM does a great job of sharing the vocals. In fact, this band is so good, that this might just knock off that new Christina Aguilera album as my favorite of the year. So you should probably go to your neighborhood record store and buy this.

(Fat Wreck Chords, PO Box 193690, San Francisco, CA 94119-3690)

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