reviewed by Paul J. Comeau | Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

Complete Failure’s Heal No Evil was originally a self-produced effort that went out of print last year within weeks of its release.  Relapse Records have reissued it on CD and digital download.  The sound that Complete Failure creates on Heal No Evil is a fusion of thrash, heavy hardcore, grind, and death metal, but with emphasis on the thrash and hardcore end of their sound.  Think of the Bay Area Thrash or 625 Records sound — but heavier — and you are on the right track.

The album opener “Like Rainbows in Gasoline,” sets the tone for the album:  angry and aggressive. Joe Mack’s screamed hardcore vocals over Erik Wynn’s riffs and Mike Rosswog’s beats make a solid compliment to one another.  When Complete Failure thrash, they thrash with the best of them, and when they get heavy, they play breakdowns sure to inspire all kinds of mayhem on the dance floor, as in the breakdown riff that closes out the track “Craft of Discontent.”

While much thrash/hardcore is typified by short songs with few parts, Complete Failure show that they can write musically complex short rippers, but are also not afraid to write longer songs.  On Heal No Evil, songs range in length from the just under two-minute blast-fest “Brown Acid Brainwound,” to the sprawling (in name and length) five-minute “The Exploding Fuel Tank of Desperate Intolerance.”  Other tracks of note on this rager include “Craft of Discontent,” “Consensual Bereavements,” and Psychoactive Pedigree,” though pretty much every song on this album rips and is worthy of attention.  The recording quality of this album is also top notch, considering this was originally a self-released endeavor.  This album has better sound quality than a number of label released titles I’ve heard this year, and captures all of the technical nuances of Complete Failure’s playing.

Metalheads, punks, and hardcore kids alike will find something to please them on this album.  We can only hope that their live show is as epic as this album.

(Relapse Records, PO Box 2060, Upper Darby, PA 19082)

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