Coliseum – Everything To Everyone

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Since 2003, Coliseum’s powerful, classic hardcore and punk inspired sounds, exhaustive tour schedules, and unabashed independent streak has earned it a devoted fan base, critical acclaim, and the respect of its peers. Coliseum’s second full-length, 2007’s No Salvation (Relapse Records), captured the band at the height of this era with an outpouring of urgent riffs, breakneck speeds, and anthems that were as heavy as they were catchy.

Having mastered the art of the straight-forward punk record, it’s no surprise that a change was in order. Named after a note written in the 1925 movie version of Phantom of the Opera, the forthcoming House With A Curse shows that for Coliseum, the battle still rages on, but the tactics have changed; the blitzkrieg has given way to a style that is more deliberate and self-assured. Produced by the band and mixed by J. Robbins (Jawbox), House finds the band exploring a multitude of tempos, song structures and instrumentation, with appearances from friends including Will Oldham (Palace, Bonnie “Prince” Billy), Jason Noble (Shipping News, Rachels, Rodan), Peter Searcy of Squirrel Bait and more.

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