Bill Hicks (Who Died in 1994) on Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

I feel that by doing anything other than ignoring this fuckwad I’m giving some credibility to Rush Limbaugh — not to his message, but to the fact that anything he says matters at all. But his latest rant that caused a few ripples in the political landscape offers not one, but two paths for mockery.

1) First, you can point out the factual errors. As you may have already seen, the verbal diarrhea in question is summed up as follows: Rush likened the New York Islamic center to building a Hindu temple next to Pearl Harbor or a Mosque next to the Pentagon. A sane and rational person who minds his own goddamn business wouldn’t give a flying fuck about those scenarios either. But neither would the most hardcore right-winger with even a cursory amount of knowledge that expands beyond their own insular culture. Shintoism, not Hinduism, is the predominant religion in Japan — there are only about 4,000 Hindus in the entire country (approximately the amount of people who live in, oh, let’s say, Ravenswood, West Virginia), and there is a non-denominational prayer room in the Pentagon just adjacent to where the plane struck on 9/11 where Muslims pray every single day. Damn those terrorist public servants!

2) Secondly, you can just forget about pointing out Limbaugh’s factual and logical discrepancies (not to mention the absence of any compassion or morality), and just sit back and listen to Bill Hicks describe the man to a T. It’s amazing that a guy who’s been dead for 16 and a half years is still so relevant today. It’s mindblowing that Limbaugh is still — and ever was — relevant at all.

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