“Arrested Development” to Return to Air for Fourth Season

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

According to a tweet by The New Yorker, cult favorite comedy TV show “Arrested Development” — which originally aired for three seasons on Fox from 2003 to 2006 — will be returning to the air for one more season before a film adaptation. You can see the tweet here.

EDIT: Will Arnett has confirmed with a tweet of his own: “I’m peeing with @batemanjason at the moment..and we can confirm that we are going to make new AD eps and a movie.”

Dave Itzkoff of The New York Times has tweeted: “Mitch Hurwitz says he plans limited Arrested Development series (9-10 eps, 1 character per ep) that would lead into movie.” Apparently, each episode would follow one character to bring the audience up to speed as to what each character has been doing for the past five years. More information on his blog post.

Taste the happy, Michael!

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