THE ADICTS – Life Goes On

reviewed by Matt Edmund | Monday, July 26th, 2010

After 35 years of being a staple of the English punk rock scene, The Adicts are still tearing it up. Amazingly featuring all original members, they’ve released their eight studio record Life Goes On. Being only familiar with their older material (mainly their infamous album Songs of Praise), I have to admit that this new album features a much more matured sound than that of their youth — although, there’s still strong evidence of that silliness and bouncy feeling found in so much of that UK punk from the ’80s.

That bouncy pop sound can be heard through much of the album, especially on songs like “Spank Me Baby” and the title track “Life Goes On.” The song “Gangster” throws an audible wrench in the sound of the album, with a sound that could be described as an electronically twisted acoustical piece likely to be found on a soundtrack to some David Lynch spaghetti western. There is a instrumental cut of “Gangster” featured as a bonus track at the end of Life Goes On. Otherwise, the album stays pretty consistent with The Adicts style of punk, very light hearted and carefree.

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Musically, these vets of the UK punk scene still have it. It’s a fun album with a lot of sing-along moments that The Adicts have been bringing to us for over three decades.

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