At the end of May 2014, LeVar Burton launched a Kickstarter aiming to raise $1 million to rejuvenate “Reading Rainbow,” the beloved PBS program that originally ran from 1983 through the mid-2000s. Within a day, they were able to surpass their goal, allowing them to broaden their aspirations and set their sights on raising $5 million.
The Kickstarter, which ended July 2nd, blew past the goal on the final day. As an added bonus, “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane pledged an additional $1 million, bringing the grand total raised to more than $6.4 million. Altogether, nearly 106,000 people donated to the campaign, which will bring “Reading Rainbow’s” library of interactive books and video field trips to more platforms, and will provide free access to classrooms in need.
Click here for Six Clips of Classic “Reading Rainbow” Episodes From the 1980s