As previously reported, the classic NES game DuckTales is being reissued this summer as a “remastered” version of the original game, and will be available for Wii U, Xbox, and PS3. And, to promote the impending release, Capcom has created an incredibly cool promo item.
Unfortunately, you probably won’t be getting your hands on it.
As reported by Ars Technica, Capcom has sent out 150 brand new, working gold cartridges of the 1989 NES game, packaged in a metal “DuckTales” lunchbox, plus, “Amidst some shredded dollar bills in the box was a Certificate of Authenticity identifying it as one of only 150 copies. There were a few other cute, retro-inspired touches: a coupon for ‘green cheese of longevity,’ a flier advertising ‘upcoming’ Capcom games like Mega Man 3, and a fake ad for a music album packed with duck-themed puns.”
The author, Kyle Orland, contacted Capcom to find out just how thorough this reissue was — simply an old copy painted gold, or a newly manufactured product?
“DuckTales was programmed onto brand-new circuit boards and chips, ensuring each game’s longevity,” a spokesman told Ars. “They’re housed in vintage NES cartridge shells, which have been carefully refurbished and hand-painted with a golden sheen. It’s a specialized process, and as materials continue to age, it becomes increasingly more rare to acquire parts in good condition.”
For more photos and info (plus information on how you may be able to get your hands on Ars’ copy), click here.