Eureka the Butcher (Marcel Rodriguez-Lopez of The Mars Volta, Zechs Marquise) Announces Debut Album “Music for Mothers”

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Eureka the Butcher "Music for Mothers" album cover

Eureka the Butcher, solo pseudonym of Marcel Rodriguez-Lopez (also of Zechs Marquise and The Mars Volta) announces the forthcoming release of his debut album. The recording, Music For Mothers is dedicated to the multi-instrumentalist’s mother Frances Sarah Rodriguez-Lopez who passed away last year.

“This record is for my mom because she is the reason why I started playing the piano,” says Marcel. “She told me that it was great that I wanted to play drums, but if I played the piano, I could create music and play to a room full of people by myself. I didn’t start playing drums for another 4 years, and I wouldn’t start playing piano for another 7 or so. That’s when I started making electronic music. Making music under the Eureka name gives me that ability: to make music and perform by myself. I, however, do not perform alone. Sadah Luna performs with me because of my love for her dance and her love for my music. She completes the live show.”

Stream track “Here Comes Eureka B” below, and check the track listing for Music For Mothers.

Eureka the Butcher Music for Mothers Track Listing
01. Here Comes Eureka B
02. Cold Ass Feet
03. The Home Stretch
04. Swag Sh*t
05. Barbecue at Channel One
06. Heavy Programming
07. Main Frame
08. Sarah Monster
09. El Paso Research
10. Desert Rituals
11. My Brother The Sun

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