PREACHER GONE TO TEXAS – Choice vs. Chance

reviewed by Jackson Ellis | Thursday, August 15th, 2002

Choice Vs. ChanceOriginally published in Verbicide issue #6

I think Preacher Gone To Texas are going to be huge. Why? Because with their talented musicianship and ability to successfully produce a melodic hardcore fusion (yes, it can be done), all kinds of kids are going to get into this. This isn’t metalcore; this isn’t hokey mosh-metal; yet I could see some mainstream kid in a Mudvayne shirt getting into this, as well as someone into a hip underground band like The Grey AM, or a new-school Victory Records band like Atreyu.

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Choice vs. Chance is 25 minutes in length, which is the perfect length for this type of music, because it ends before you get bored. The lyrics are surprisingly tolerable for a hardcore band, and the eighth and final track is an incredible and unexpected piano song with no vocals. The production is great, the changes are timely, the artwork is kinda cool, and the only major flaw with the whole CD is the typo on the back cover (whoops). To sum up: Preacher Gone To Texas are poised to break out into the national scene, and soon.

(Sinister Label, PO Box 1178, La Grange PK, IL 60526)

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