THE LOOM – Teeth

reviewed by Garrett Lyons | Friday, January 20th, 2012

TeethThe Loom is a Brooklyn-based quintet with an incredibly unique sound. The elements range from the chamber pop nature of Belle and Sebastian with heavy horns, to the dour vocals taken from The National, to the pop-rock sensibilities of Snow Patrol. Teeth winds its way through 10 tracks that push the edge of experimentation with only the occasional moments of dissonance, with “Helen” being the prime offender.

Outside of “Helen,” Teeth is a weird piece of stunning beauty, with new layer revealing themselves with each listen. This is an album with the potential to take the burgeoning chamber pop sound to its outer limits of experimentation. It is a stunning piece of work, but not a flawless one. However the flaws aren’t those of conservative mistakes, but only happen when The Loom is trying to expand their sound into new directions. When it works, it’s nearly perfect. When it doesn’t, it’s still a fun ride.

(Crossbill Records, 855 Lake Terrace Circle, Davis, CA 95616)

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