reviewed by Vanessa Bennett | Friday, June 17th, 2011

The Appleseed Cast is back! Their new EP, Middle States, landed in stores on June 7th. The Lawrence, Kansas natives are turning the Midwest into a world of energy and excitement with four great tracks. They have taken everything good from their past albums and combined into 27 minutes of beautiful and catchy melodies.

Slightly indistinguishable vocals hover above dreamy hooks and soft percussion. Hazy and meditative layers of sound build continuously throughout the album. There is a simplicity to the album that creates an atmosphere of inspiration and warm familiarity.

After 10 years, the group is still making impressive music. They have switched labels, experimented with sound, and through it all grown and embraced the simple pleasures of making music. Middle States is an engaging reflection on life and a demonstration of passion and commitment to music.

(Graveface Records, 412 East Park Ave., Savannah, GA 31401)

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