SHORES – Coup de Grace

reviewed by Ryan Lawrence Carr | Monday, January 17th, 2011

Considering the general releases from No Idea Records, Shores’ beautiful debut LP Coup de Grace seems slightly out of place. Then again, feeling out of place seems to be what this band is all about. Shores’ slow and minimal shoegaze-meets-slowcore approach is a far cry from bands like Against Me! or drummer John Massel’s previous band North Lincoln. Lacking they may be in the areas of gritty punk rock, Shores are still able to hang onto the flannels and beards.

The two-piece sounds like My Bloody Valentine by way of slowcore pioneers Codeine. Most of the songs start slow and twangy, build to an epic crescendo, then decline just as quickly as they climax. The melancholy slow picked spaghetti-western guitar that kicks off the opening song “Meanwhile” showcases Shores’ ability to quote different genres without losing focus. The band’s lyrics seem to deal with self-analysis and observations of social interactions — much more introverted than what No Idea fans will be used to. Despite quoting genres, the album consistently stays in the same mood throughout the 38 minutes the vinyl runs. It’s not a record to put on to skate or smash the state to — it’s more of an album for when you just what to shell up and reflect.

(No Idea Records, PO Box 14636, Gainesville, FL 32604)

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