This Week in Pop Culture: Royal Wedding Stage-Diving and more

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

10. Glenn Beck voices his opinion on Fox’s hit show “Glee”: “It’s a brilliant, brilliant show…but it’s a horror show.” Okay, I see you Glenn, I see you. Also, remember how Glenn Beck absolutely loved the Spiderman musical?

9. An elementary school teacher in Georgia is promptly arrested after taking a naked stroll through the school. He blamed his actions on his newly enlightened “third eye,” of course.

8. “Mad Men” actress January Jones announces she is pregnant. Poor “Mad Men” fans — the new season will never air now.

7. The Russian math whiz Grigory Perelman explains the reason why he didn’t accept that one million dollar prize back in 2010 was because he “knows how to control the universe.” Well then.

6. At a concert in Sydney, Australia, Justin Bieber gets pelted with eggs from above. The real gold here is the commentary on this news clip.

5. The Royal Wedding happened! And Harry took off his shirt and stage dived into the crowd after giving his best man’s speech. Swoon.

4. Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn went to a party at the White House and held hands, which confirms the uneasy feeling we all had that they might actually be more than bang buddies. Now let’s move on before we are forced to think about their weird sex life and/or what their pet names for each other are.

3. Iggy Pop is being considered for the new “American Idol” judge slot. I don’t know, I’m pretty speechless on this one.

2. Seth Meyers roasts Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner and, surprise surprise, Don can’t take a joke.

1. Mariah Carey finally births twins! They don’t have names yet — God only knows what they’ll be called! Hallelujah! –Christina Drill

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